He has had many first's this month, he can:
~Sit up by himself
~Eats people food (bananas, avocados, sweet potatoes, apples, and squash)
~Babble "Mama"
~Almost crawling, he can go in reverse
~Met our dear friends' baby girl, "L"
~He has two teeth
We are so blessed because he has the sweetest and happiest personality. He has stolen our hearts, and we love getting to see him grow into his own personality.
I didn't think it was possible for Kingston to look any more like his dad, but as every day passes he looks more and more like him.
This picture shows his new smile!
And another close up of his new smile.
We went on our first trip to South Padre Island for my family's annual girls trip (+ children). This tradition began before any of us had children, and now has turned into a wonderful time for the girls and "cousins" to catch up.
He is very passionate about eating. The first picture captures his desperation for food and need for instant gratification. This is where we have had to start teaching him the word "no." He would start screaming like a child who hadn't eaten in days before we would start feeding him. It didn't take him long to figure out he wasn't going to get a bite until he quit screaming. Though he doesn't scream often, he definitely has a strong set of vocal cords. The second picture is him having just finished his favorite food so far, sweet potatoes.
He has discovered a fascination and curiosity about our dear dogs. He loves it when they lick him all over his hands and face. He is remarkably gentle with them, which is kind of funny because he can be a bit of a wild man.
He celebrated his first 4th of July (one of my favorite holidays).
He FINALLY seems somewhat interested in books. His favorite is Barnyard Dance.
He absolutely LOVES people. He finds his Pops (my dad) very interesting and never knows exactly what to expect when he is with him. We have also gotten to spend a lot of time with my Grandad this summer, which Kingston really enjoys. It makes me so happy to see my Grandad, who has been such a role model to my entire family, get to enjoy my sweet son.
This is what he does when he is ready to get up. He makes a squawking noise, and then peaks out to watch for someone to come get him.
Lastly, he loved meeting Baby L. We are so excited for our wonderful friends to finally have their beautiful little girl here. We already love her so much, and cannot wait to start this new chapter in our lives together.