Saturday, November 9, 2013

10 Months Already, and Ready To Be On The Move!

This month he has started turning into a little boy.   He still loves eating, and has liked everything except yogurt.

 He enjoys going on adventures with his parents.  We like to take him to the food park, and the Trinity Trails.

 He has started cruising and is in to EVERYTHING!  He loves playing with balls and chasing them around.

 This was the first time he was actually able to swing and hold his head up the correct way.

He has started climbing our bookshelves, TV stand, and anything else he can get his hands on.

He has the sweetest and most joyful personality.  Everything new is exciting to him, and he loves being with other people.

His other favorite toy is the roomba.  He likes to push, ride, and surf the roomba.